Both U-tube sides are filled with Small Molecule Compound Library HDAC inhibitor mechanism potassium ferricyanide (K3Fe(CN)6) solution. Linear scan from −0.60 to +0.60 V with the scan rate at 50 mV/s. (PNG 26 KB) Additional file 2: Figure S2: Schematic setup for the EIS measurements. Experimental conditions: working
electrode (W.E), DWCNT-dye membrane; reference electrode (R.E), Ag/AgCl; counter electrode (R.E), Pt; AC magnitude, 10 mV; DC magnitude, −0.6, −0.3, 0, 0.3, 0.6 V; frequency, 100 kHz to 0.2 Hz. Platinum wire, Ag/AgCl, and DWCNT-dye membrane were used as counter, reference, and working electrodes. (PNG 29 KB) Additional file 3: Figure S3: Control experiments on DWNT membrane to rule out redox current. Cyclic voltammetry scan on DWNT membrane from −0.6 to +0.6 V. Reference /counter electrode, Ag/AgCl; working electrode, DWNT membrane. Both sides filled with 50-mM potassium ferricyanide solution. No Redox peak is found on bare and modified DWNT membrane, which supports the current change that is from ionic rectification. (PDF 122 KB) Additional file 4: Figure S4: Control experiments on glassy carbon to rule out redox
current. (A) Cyclic voltammetry scan on glassy carbon in 2-mM ferricyanide solution and 2-mM ferricyanide solution with 0.5 M KCl. (B) Cyclic voltammetry scan on glassy carbon in 50-mM ferricyanide Akt signaling pathway solution and 25-mM ferricyanide/ferricyanide solution (cyclic voltammetry scan from −0.6 to +0.6 V. Reference/counter electrode, Ag/AgCl; working electrode, glassy carbon). With the supporting electrolyte KCl, oxidation and reduction peaks were observed at 0.29 and 0.06 V, respectively. However, no redox peaks were found without KCl, which supports that no redox reaction occurred in the solution. (PDF 164 KB) References 1. Jiang Y, Lee A, Chen J, Ruta V, Cadene M, Chait BT, MacKinnon R: X-ray structure of a voltage-dependent K+ channel. Nature 2003, 423:33–41.CrossRef 2. Cheng WWL, McCoy JG, Thompson AN, Nichols CG, Nimigean CM: Mechanism for selectivity-inactivation coupling in KcsA potassium channels. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2011, 108:5272–5277.CrossRef 3. Doyle DA, Cabral JM, Pfuetzner RA, Kuo A, Gulbis JM, Cohen
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