Compared with those in the low-risk group, a significantly selleck chem inhibitor greater percentage of the participants in the at-risk group reported having five or more diseases (50% vs. 19.3%; ��2 = 17.7%; p < .001) and poor or very poor health (41.4% vs. 12.6%; ��2 = 18.8; p < .001). Table 1. Frequency of the Health Outcomes by the Joint Trajectories of Cigarette smoking and Perceived Self-control (N = 479) Partial correlation analyses indicated that a history of cigarette smoking (mean score of smoking T2�CT4) was significantly correlated with reporting five or more diseases or symptoms (r = 0.17, p < .001) and a poor or very poor health rating (r = 0.16, p < .001) at T5 when the effect of the history of perceived self-control (T2�CT4) was partialled out.
A history of perceived self-control (mean score of perceived self-control T2�CT4) was negatively correlated with reporting five or more diseases or symptoms (r = ?0.16, p < .001) and a poor or very poor health rating (r = ?0.17, p < .001) at T5 when the effect of the history of cigarette smoking (T2�CT4) was partialled out. Table 2 presents the results from the multivariate logistic regression analyses for the joint trajectory group memberships of the at-risk group, the low-risk group, and the intermediate groups. First, the BPP of belonging to the at-risk group compared with the BPP of belonging to the low-risk group using Model A had a positive association with having five or more diseases or symptoms (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 4.81; p < .001) and of reporting a poor or very poor health rating (AOR = 5.98; p < .001).
Second, the BPP of belonging to the at-risk group compared with the BPP of belonging to one of the intermediate groups using Model B had a positive association with having five or more diseases or symptoms (AOR = 2.36; p < .05) and reporting a poor or very poor health rating (AOR = 2.86; p < 0.01). Third, the BPP of belonging to the intermediate groups compared with the BPP of belonging to the low-risk group using Model A had a positive association with having five or more diseases or symptoms of diseases (AOR = 2.04; p < .05) and reporting a poor or very poor health rating (AOR = 2.09; p < .05). Table 2. Adjusted Odds Ratios (AOR) of Health Consequences of Joint Trajectories of Cigarette Entinostat Smoking and Perceived Self-control Over Time (N = 479) Discussion The present investigation is unique and extends previous research. Operating within a life-span developmental framework, we examined perceived self-control, an important personality predisposition, conjointly with patterns of smoking between the mean ages of 40 and 48 as related to physical health when the women��s mean age was 65.