No full-length EscU (39 kDa) was detected in the ΔescU/pJLT24 mem

No full-length EscU (39 kDa) was detected in the ΔescU/pJLT24 membrane fraction, suggesting complete auto-cleavage

had occurred under these conditions. EscU(N262A) was detected exclusively at 39 kDa with anti-HA antibodies. Interestingly, EscU(P263A) appeared as a 39 kDa polypeptide along with a 29 kDa and 10 kDa polypeptides detected by anti-HA antibodies and NCT-501 anti-FLAG antibodies respectively. These data demonstrate that the EscU 29 and10 kDa auto-cleavage products localized to membrane fractions enriched for T3SS selleck chemicals needle complexes and are in agreement with the crystal structure soluble domain interactions previously reported [26]. In addition, plasmid encoded EscU(P263A) is auto-cleaved in EPEC albeit at reduced levels compared to normal EscU. Figure 2 EscU auto-cleavage results in a 10 kDa C-terminal product that is membrane associated in EPEC. (A) Isolated membrane fractions were probed with anti-HA

and anti-FLAG antibodies to assess EscU auto-cleavage status. Membrane localization of EscJ is unchanged AZD1480 in escU null mutants (lane 2) and therefore this protein served as an internal control for the individual membrane fractions. The approximate 10 kDa C-terminal EscU auto-cleavage product (detected with anti-FLAG antibodies) along with the 29 kDa HA-tagged N-terminal product (detected with anti-HA antibodies) both partitioned to the membrane fraction (denoted by arrows). Uncleaved EscU is also membrane associated and appeared as a 39 kDa species. (B) The same membrane fractions were probed with anti-EscN antibodies to detect membrane associated EscN levels. A ΔescN mutant membrane preparation was included to demonstrate

the specificity of the antibody. The formation of functional T3SS needle complexes is believed to be a multistep process. For EPEC, T3SS needle complexes are less well characterized than those of Salmonella and Shigella species. Purified EPEC T3SS needle complex preparations often lack certain protein components that are highly conserved in all systems Florfenicol and hence expected to be part of a ‘complete’ T3SS needle complex. For example EscF, the putative needle protein has not been detected in highly purified EPEC needle preparations [20]. Antibodies to EscJ and EscN [39] were used to probe membrane fractions to assess the expression levels of these proteins. No change in the amount of cell envelope associated EscJ or EscN was observed in ΔescU bacteria expressing any of the EscU variants (Figure 2A and 2B). These data indicate that EscU auto-cleavage is not essential for EscN and EscJ localization to the cell envelope.

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