Work conducted regarding cognitive processing during psychological trauma, such as the development of disorganized traumatic memories and PTSD, may be of use
in increasing understanding regarding the increased rate of PTSD among those with TBI.47 That is, alterations in consciousness associated with TBI may contribute to the development of disorganized traumatic memories and a subsequent, increased risk for PTSD. Co-occurrence may also exacerbate existing symptoms. For example, frank neurological insult, such as a TBI may exacerbate PTSD symptoms by creating an inability to self-regulate and inhibit, behavioral Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical responses.31 Further study regarding the relationship between these two conditions is necessary Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to facilitate
increased understanding and ultimately develop assessment, and treatment, strategies for those with co-occurring disorders. Conclusions and implications for clinical practice Among those with TBI and/or PTSD neuropsychological measures in the context, of a comprehensive evaluation may help clarify an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. However, the overlap of cognitive disruption noted by those with PTSD and/or TBI suggests that such measures Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical are unlikely to assist in differential diagnosis. This is certainly in part related to the “the complex interplay of neurological, psychological, and physical factors in veterans with [mild] TBI” and/or PTSD, and highlights the need Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for “specialized evaluation” and management (p 271).29 This stance is supported by best practices outlined in the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense updated mild TBI clinical practice guidelines.64 The fact that brain regions of selleckchem interest (eg, hippocampus) are involved
in complex cognitive processes such as learning and memory, and as such require a high degree of plasticity, are capable of “life-long neurogenesis,” and are vulnerable to physical and emotional insult have created significant challenges for those Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical studying or working with individuals who have PTSD and/or TBI.37 To assist, resources are being deployed to develop biomarkers for both conditions. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II Identification of such laboratory biomarkers may assist, in the early identification of each of these conditions, and as such facilitate timely intervention. However, until such biomarkers are identified, clinicians will be required to rely upon data (eg, clinical history, neuropsychological testing results, neuroimaging findings) which may or may not result, in a definitive diagnosis. The lack of definitive biomarkers can also place clinicians in the challenging position of determining how and when to use existing experimental data and/or employ newer imaging techniques in clinical practice.