We proposed that the uncontrolled cellular uptake of alcohol results in yeast ‘hyper-respiration’, leading to elaboration of hemolytic molecules such as hydrogen peroxide and lytic lipids. In the current study, we have further analyzed the molecular mechanisms involved in the MACH phenomenon in S. cerevisiae, using DNA microarrays. The patterns of regulation were confirmed by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. The results presented here lend further support to this hypothesis, based on upregulation of the genes responsible for coping with vast amounts
of hydrogen peroxide produced as a byproduct of excessive oxidation of alcohol. These results, taken together, show that alcohol-mediated hemolysis in yeast appears to be related to the overproduction of hemolytic byproducts, particularly hydrogen peroxide, which accumulates during long-term exposure of S. cerevisiae to both ethanol and n-butanol.”
“Defective endosperm (De*)-B30 is a dominant BI 2536 nmr maize mutation in the gene that encodes the storage protein, a-zein protein. The De*-B30 mutation results in a defective signal peptide in a 19-kD alpha-zein protein, which triggers endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, leading to up-regulation of genes associated with the unfolded protein response. To extend our
knowledge of the physiological responses to constitutive ER stress in plants, transgenic Arabidopsis plants were constructed, in which De*-B30 transcripts were constitutively expressed under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter. PR 171 Transgenic plants exhibited pale green leaves and growth retardation during the early vegetative stage. In addition, the growth rate of hypocotyl elongation was depressed in dark-gown transgenic seedlings. However, RNA blot analyses revealed no induction
of the ER stress-inducible see more genes, including AtBiP1, AtCNX1, and AtCRT1 in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Even though transgenic plants also were revealed to retain wildtype level of tunicamycin sensitivity, they showed an increase in hydrogen peroxide production. Higher levels of AtGST1 gene expression in transgenic plants were revealed. These findings suggest that reactive oxygen species are involved in the response to constitutive ER stress in Arabidopsis.”
“[Purpose] The aim of this study was to identify how the lumbar stabilizer muscles respond to increased lifting loads. Twenty-four healthy subjects (10 males, 14 females) participated in this study. [Subjects and Methods] The thicknesses of the internal oblique (JO), transverse abdominis (TrA), and lumbar multifidus (LM) muscle were measured by ultrasonography during lifting of loads 10%, 20%, and 30% of body weight. The data was analyzed measured by one-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). [Results] There were statistically significant increases in thicknesses of the TrA and LM muscles when lifting a load of 20% of subject’s body weight.