The purple line is the Akt signaling pathway spatial expression profile from the aceK::gfp fusion at 34 h. The temporal gene expression study had determined that the expression of flhD in the ompR and rcsB mutant strains was constitutively high throughout the experiment after a primary increase during the initial time period of biofilm formation. As time points for the spatial experiment, we selected 33 h for the ompR mutant (Figure 4A) and 51 h for the rcsB mutant (Figure 4B). Interestingly, expression of flhD in both mutants was high across all layers of the biofilm. Fluorescence was between learn more 80 and 95% coverage across the entire biofilm of both mutants (Figure 4C). By all appearances, both OmpR and RcsB abolished spatial differences
in flhD expression together with temporal ones, while increasing overall expression. Figure 4 Spatial gene expression of flhD in the ompR and rcsB mutant strains. (A) is the 3D image Salubrinal of the 33 h biofilm from BP1531 (ompR::Tn10 pPS71), (B) is the respective image from the 51 h biofilm from BP1532 (rcsB::Tn5 pKK12). (C) is the quantitative representation of the spatial gene expression of flhD in the ompR mutant (red line) and the rcsB mutant (orange line) at the times points
represented in A and B. Mutations in ompR and rcsB reduced biofilm biomass The 3D reconstructions of the biofilms showed that the biofilm from the ompR and rcsB mutants was much thinner than that of the parent strain. The mutant biofilms were no more than 4 μm, as opposed to >8 μm for biofilm from the parent strain (notice x-axis of Figure 4C versus that of Figure 3C). This observation indicates that the elevation of flhD expression levels in the two mutants does indeed have the predicted outcome of reducing biofilm amounts. However, we were unable to quantify thickness of the parental biofilm with the fluorescence microscopy beyond 8 μm due to optical limitations of the objective used for these experiments. To quantify biofilm biomass, the crystal violet (CV) assay was performed with parent bacteria, and ompR and rcsB mutants (Figure 5). Both mutants produced a considerably smaller amount of biofilm than the parent.
This difference was more pronounced Tideglusib for the ompR mutant (red bars) than for the rcsB mutant (orange bars). Figure 5 CV assay to quantify the biofilm amounts of the ompR and rcsB mutants in comparison to the parent strain. The biofilm biomass was determined for BP1470 (AJW678 pPS71), BP1531 (ompR::Tn10 pPS71) and BP1532 (rcsB::Tn5 pKK12). This was done at four different time points, which are indicated on the x-axis. The yellow bars are the biofilm biomass of the parent strain, the red bars are for the ompR mutant, and the orange bars are for the rcsB mutant. Averages and standard deviations were calculated across three replicate experiments. Discussion In the Introduction, we postulated that a biofilm prevention target would be characterized by its expression early in biofilm development.