The films were produced by the N2-reactive and the co-sputtering methods as a function of [N]/[Si] ratio. The data are compared with a new model (black curve) and with two models (dashed curves) but concerning hydrogenated films.
Nevertheless, one can notice in Figure 3 that our experimental results progressively CB-5083 solubility dmso diverge from the models obtained by this group and also by Hasegawa et al. [25] while x is decreased. However, the two groups both studied hydrogenated SiN x films (SiN x :H) in contrast to our results. Besides, these latter authors have shown that the Si-H density increased while x was experimentally decreased. Consequently, the drop of n is explained by the H incorporation in their material as suggested elsewhere [26]. However, we could use this model to fit the experimental data but using the refractive index of a-Si (n a-Si = 4.37, see Figure 2) instead of hydrogenated a-Si (n a-Si:H = 3.3) used by Bustarret et al. [24]. This shows again the influence of H on the optical properties of the films. We obtained = 1.85, which is similar to many previous results [25–27], but is lower than 2.03 that is commonly used for a-Si3N4[28]. This difference could be explained by the incorporation of voids in the microstructure [27] as attested by the
presence of residual Ar atoms detected by RBS in the as-deposited films. Besides, this explanation is confirmed by the density ρ v of our SiN x films which was calculated using the atomic areal density ρ s , and the film thickness d, obtained by RBS and ellipsometry analyses, respectively, Crenigacestat clinical trial with the following relation: ρ v = ρ s / d. We found that the density varied from 2.4 to 2.8 g/cm3, which is again sensibly lower than that of a-Si3N4 of 3.1 g/cm3 reported in the literature [29]. Considering the RBS and the ellipsometry spectra, we have produced thin SiN x films with various compositions that do not depend on the synthesis method, but only on the Si content. As a consequence, n
Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase is a precise indicator of the composition that will be used in the following sections. FTIR Figure 4 shows the typical FTIR YH25448 nmr spectra of a SiN x film with a low refractive index of 2.1 (SiN1.12) which were recorded with a normal incidence and with an incidence angle of 65°. One can observe only one absorption band centered at 833 cm−1 in the spectrum measured with the normal incidence, whereas an additional shoulder at 1115 cm−1 emerged while the incidence angle was changed to 65°. Moreover, it is essential to note that no other absorption bands were discernible in the 700 to 4000 cm−1 spectral range whatever the deposition approach. No Si-O absorption bands (transverse optical (TO4) at 1200 cm−1, longitudinal optical (LO4) at 1160 cm−1, TO3 at 1020 to 1,090 cm−1, LO3 at 1215 to 1260 cm−1, TO2 at 810 cm−1, and LO2 at 820 cm−1) [30, 31] were detected in all spectra.