Table 3 The most common authors and their associated publications appearing on the reading lists of syllabi available for introductory or core sustainability courses at both Bachelor’s and Master’s level (N = 22 core sustainability courses taught in 32 degree programs). Where multiple publications are listed, the numbers refer to the total for each author Author(s) Courses featured Title Year Hardin 6 The tragedy of the commons 1968 Rockström et al. 4 A safe operating
space for humanity 2009 Folke 4 Principles of ecosystem stewardship: resilience-based natural resource management in a changing world (Chapin et al.) 2009 Adaptive co-management for building resilience in social ecological systems (Olsson et al.) 2004 Resilience and sustainable development: building adaptive capacity in a world of transformation (Folke et al.) 2002 Holling 3 Resilience and stability of ecological systems 1973 Miller and Spoolman 3 Living in the environment: principles, connections and solutions 2009 Environmental problems, their causes, and sustainability in Environmental Science 2010 Discussion Curriculum structure In our examination of 54 higher education programs in sustainability, we found that core courses made up the majority
of the curriculum in all but two bachelor’s programs and all but one master’s program, with the overall Danusertib solubility dmso proportion of core courses within a program varying from 42 to 100 %. Given this majority, we are confident Thalidomide that our analysis of the core course breadth and subject areas adequately captures and reflects the essence and fundamental content of these sustainability programs. We speculate that the higher
proportion of core courses within master’s programs compared to bachelor’s programs is similar within other disciplines and may also be a result of the origins of the bachelor’s and master’s sustainability programs. Based on information available on program websites, many bachelor’s programs in sustainability appear to have evolved from existing programs or departments in which a few core courses in sustainability are developed, supplemented by electives comprised of existing courses taught by faculty in their respective tenure-line departments across disciplines. In contrast, master’s programs are more likely to be created as a stand-alone interdisciplinary program from the start, often through an academic center or a department, with a specifically click here designed, more limited, and more prescribed curriculum. Bachelor’s programs also typically require more curricular flexibility so that students can fulfill general education requirements within a reasonable period of time, while master’s programs do not include general education requirements and tend to be more focused, with students moving through specified courses as a cohort.