Some evidence shows that those HCPs who smoke are perceived as le

Some evidence shows that those HCPs who smoke are perceived as less convincing by the smoker patients that they care for and consequently have less impact on their smoking behaviour. Some recent studies on the smoking behaviour of HCP students found that there was no significant difference between the views of smokers and non-smokers towards smoking cessation provision. However, paradoxically the majority of students believed they should be role models for the community

Raf kinase assay regarding healthy practices, and most do not believe they live up to this expectation. A survey developed by the WHO and US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the Global Health Professional Student Survey (GHPSS)1 was adapted for use and was administered to all levels of the MPharm undergraduate student body. These questions investigated the students’ knowledge and awareness of smoking and its hazards, and their attitudes towards HCPs who smoke and explored the students’ motivation to smoking cessation provision. 274 of 400 questionnaires were returned across the 4 levels of the MPharm (68.5% response rate), 38 (12.2%) of whom were smokers. Interestingly, smokers (98.2%) and non-smokers (86.8%) rated that the most important factor to deter them personally from smoking was the detrimental effects to their health. However, setting a good example for patients

and fellow HCPs was not an important consideration amongst smokers to stop their habit, Selleck Dapagliflozin but non-smokers rated this highly in their decision not to smoke. Generally non-smokers agreed (61%) that as HCPs they should be setting a good example for patients, whereas fewer smokers (34%) believed their behaviour should be exemplified to the public they serve. Fewer of the smokers (63% vs, 82% non-smokers) would provide proactive opportunistic quitting advice to a smoker patient that has no smoking related Urease disease and shows no indication of contemplating behavioural change. The legislative actions

received more positive reaction from non-smokers than smokers, less of whom agreed with the sharp increase in cost as a deterrent for smoking (52% smokers vs. 87% non-smokers). There are some striking differences in attitudes of pharmacy students who smoke compared to those that do not. The latter group consider their influence on society with more caution and feel morally obliged to set a ‘healthy’ example. Students who smoke felt their personal behaviour is detached from their profession and did not agree that their behaviour should be exemplar with a larger proportion also reporting that they did not believe their habit promoted smoking as healthy. These attitudes have demonstrated an impact on the student’s drive to proactively offer advice on quitting and could present a barrier later in practice on the initiation and potential success of smoking cessation services.

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