Second, the spontaneous thoughts occur during an aroused state L

Second, the spontaneous thoughts occur during an aroused state. Low tonic locus ceoruleus activity characterizes drowsy, inattentive states.15 Smallwood et al’s results suggest that spontaneous thoughts are linked to high tonic levels of activity.26 A speculative possibility is that default network activity could be an aroused state where cortical activity is not tuned to a specific set

of temporally discrete task epochs but rather to internally generated cognitive operations that frequently occur, and are largely untethered to external perceptual events. While this state was discovered in passive task epochs, its role in internally directed modes of cognition is much broader. Implications for study of disease Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The default network is

an interesting target for clinical exploration.3,27-29 Many psychiatric disorders are hallmarked by disturbances to internal modes of thought or impairment in remembering. Both sets of functions are associated with the default network. The link to these functions and the ease of making measurements of the default network have led to numerous reports of default network disruption across a wide range of conditions Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, autism, and others. At first glance disruption of the default network seems to be a nonspecific correlate of brain dysfunction. Alternatively, measurement of the default network may be confounded in ways that create an appearance of disturbance. Many reported results about default network dysfunction in the literature may be due to confounding factors. For example, motion and respiratory artifacts have been demonstrated to alter functional connectivity measures of the default network.30-32 Patients often move their heads Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical more than controls in brain imaging studies, and also may display differences in breathing patterns, eye movements, and swallowing that can affect data quality. A concern is that many of

the patient findings reported in the literature are artifacts.33,34 We will need Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to undertake a process of sorting out what is artifact and what is insight. Nonetheless, crotamiton studies paying careful attention to potential confounding influences have made observations that suggest a central role of the default network in mental illness. The study of psychosis offers an intriguing clinical example of default network dysfunction. Among other symptoms, active psychosis is associated with disorganized thought patterns. A recent study from Whitfield-Gabrieli and colleagues35 found that patients with schizophrenia display a hyperactive default network and Cabozantinib manufacturer aberrant connectivity of the default network. Combined with other results,29,36 they suggested that default network dysfunction may be associated with the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. The idea stems from the default network’s hypothesized contributions to internal modes of cognition.

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