rotease inhibitor cocktail and 4ul of 250 mM EDTA After centri f

rotease inhibitor cocktail and 4ul of 250 mM EDTA. After centri fugation at 12,000 �� g for 20 min at 4 C, the supernatant was recovered and protein concentration determined. Protein was purified by precipitation and the pellet re suspended in DIGE lysis labeling buffer at 5ug ul. Samples were labelled using CyDye DIGE fluors, following manufac turers instructions. Three of the experimental replicates of each treatment were labelled individually with 400 pmol Cy3 and the remaining three with 400 pmol Cy5. In addition, equal amounts of all experimental samples were pooled and 600 ug of protein were batch labelled with Cy2. The three labelled samples, corre sponding to two experimental samples and one internal reference pool, were then combined to have in each 2 D gel samples corresponding to fish fed either FO or VO within the same family group.

Two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Rehydration buffer containing 0. 2% DTT was added to the pooled protein samples to a final volume of 450 ul, which were loaded onto Immobiline DryStrip pH 3 11 NL, 24 cm IPG strips by passive rehydration at room temperature overnight in the dark. Proteins were sepa rated in the first dimension by isoelectric focusing at 20 C, applying increasing voltage until 200 V for 4 h, increasing AV-951 to 500 V over a period of 3 h, then keeping the applied tension at a con stant 1000 V for 1 h, followed by a further increase to 8000 V over 90 min, maintaining this voltage for almost 9 h. After isoelectric focusing the strips were equilibrated in two 40 min steps using 50mM Tris HCl pH 8.

8, 6M urea, 30% glycerol, 2% SDS buffer, to which 2 % DTT and 2. 8% iodoacetamide were added to produce reducing and al kylating buffers, respectively. The strips were loaded onto a 12. 5% acrylamide gel cast between low fluores cence glass cassettes. The strips were overlaid with ReadyPrep Overlay Agarose and the six gel cassettes run in the EttanDALT system in two steps, at 60 mA, 80 V, 6 W for 1 h, and then 240 mA, 500 V, 78 W until the bromophenol blue dye front had run to 1 cm above the bottom of the gels. Laemmli buffers were used in the lower and upper chambers, respectively. Gel imaging and analysis Labelled gels were scanned using a Typhoon TRIO and Cy2, Cy3 and Cy5 images acquired using 520BP40, 580BP30 and 670BP30 laser emission fil ters, respectively, at 500 PMT and 100 um resolution.

Images were cropped to remove extraneous areas prior to analysis, and image analysis performed using DeCyder V7. 0. The estimated number of spots for each co detection procedure was set at 10,000 and an exclusion filter was applied to remove spots with a volume lower than 30,000. Differential expression of protein spots was examined by two way ANOVA at a significance level of 0. 05. After verifying that significant spots were well matched across the gels, two pick lists were generated with a total of 22 and 45 spots for the diet and genotype factors, respectively. Spot picking and protein identific

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