Renal transplants were performed only when AHG-CDC CXMs were nega

Renal transplants were performed only when AHG-CDC CXMs were negative. The potential recipients considered SB203580 cost during the DD events were classified into 5 groups according to their % PRA: Group 1 (0%), group 2 (1–19%), group 3 (20–79%), group 4 (80–100%) and group 5 (unknown PRA). The patients in group 5 (unknown) were included in the

deceased donor waiting list in a time period when the % PRA assay was not part of the regular practice in our setting. In our institution, kidney allocation to patients on the waiting list has been based exclusively on a negative T and B cells AHG-CDC cross-match, the time on waiting list and blood group (equal ABO group with the donor). Patients without vascular and peritoneal access for dialysis are considered emergencies and always have had priority in our setting. All of the patients that undergo a DD KT at out institution receive some modality of induction therapy, whether anti-CD25 monoclonal antibodies or thymoglobulin, this website and is mostly defined by the immunological patient risk. During this time period, the immunosuppression regimen for this group of patients consisted of tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and prednisone. Clinical information regarding 1-year post-KT graft function and/or the last graft function evaluation was

gathered from the corresponding patient records. Causes of graft loss and patient death were documented. The graft biopsy registry was analyzed to obtain the information regarding the total number of graft dysfunction

biopsies performed, and acute rejection events documented whether cellular, humoral or both. The histological analysis and diagnosis were performed using the current BANFF criteria at the time of the graft biopsy [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16] and [17]. Graft dysfunction was defined as SCr increase of ≥ 25% from baseline in the absence of an identified cause. The statistical analysis was performed using odds ratio with prior group stratification, logistic regression analysis, Kaplan Meier method and Log Rank. A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant with a confidence interval of 95%. For categorical variables, an analysis to determine frequencies, proportions, Chi2, and Spearman correlation coefficient was also performed. Fifty-eight DD events with a female to male ratio of 34:24 and a mean age of 35.4 ± 13.3 selleck products were identified. The ABO group distribution among these donors was of 35 donors for group “O”, 13 donors for group “A” and 10 donors for group “B”. A group of 179 potential kidney transplant recipients was included in the analysis all of whom were older than 18 years of age, with a female to male ratio of 98:81 and a ABO group distribution of 127 patients for group “O”, 33 patients for group “A” and 19 patients for group “B”. The mean PRA for all the potential recipients was 22 ± 32%, median [md] 0 (0–98). Males had a mean % PRA of 11.7 ± 26 md 0 (0–97) vs. females with a mean % PRA of 30.9 ± 35 md 13.

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