Found at do10.1371 journal.pone.0010431.s002 Fgure S3 Analyss of markers and transcrptofactors associated with epthelal mesenchymal transton.A Expressoof epthelal specfc cadherCDH1 versus mesenchy mal specfc cadherCDH2 across all cell lnes, monolayer and 3D culture.CDH2 shghly expressed Computer three and Pc 3M, and co expressed wth CDH1 RWPE one cells.B Normalzed gene expressovalues for a panel of epthelal and mesenchymal specfc cadherns and EMT linked transcrptofactors PrCa cell lnes, as detected by lumna bead arrays.C Expressoof CDH1 spherods formed by notransformed,hTERT mmortalzed EP156T cells, mmortalzed RWPE 1 cells, and Computer three.Located at do10.1371 journal.pone.0010431.s003 Fgure S4 Functonal analyss of gene expressopatterns, utzng gene sgnatures assocated wth the sx most closely related, prostate cancer appropriate pathways.A Compostoof gene sgnatures, accordng to compatons by Bocompare.B Vendagram, demonstratng more than laps betweeAKT, P3 knase, and mTOR pathway assocated genes.
Cheatmap,hghlghtng the expressoof the most strongly nvasorelated, uregulated genes from combned pathway analyses Computer 3 cells, right after transformatoof round nto stellate spherods.D Exemplary expressoof collage1 subunt A1, PrCa mcroarray samples analyzed through the expO gene expressoconsortum, ndcatng a postve assocatoof expressowth clncal kinase inhibitor VX-770 parameters such as state-of-the-art stage,hgh grade tumors, andhgh Gleasoscore.The nsert lustrates the relatve expressoof COL1A1 mRNA usual prostate compared to prostate cancers.Located at do10.1371 journal.Quanttatve analyss of nhbtory drug results ospherod growth for any panel of regular, notransformed and cancer cell lnes, usng VTT ACCA mage analyss software package.Drugs, effectve concentraton, and main pathways nhbted by the compounds are ndcated the fgure.Found at do10.1371 journal.pone.0010431.s005 Table S1 Cell lnes and versions utilized ths study.Observed at do10.1371 journal.pone.0010431.s006 Table S2 Antbodes employed ths examine.Observed at do10.1371 journal.pone.0010431.
s007 Table S3 Summary of mmune stanng benefits for spherods formed 3D Matrgel Ostarine culture.Uncovered 3D spherod culture Matrgel, across all 10 cell lnes analyzed, and GSEA for dfferentally
expressed genes PC3 cells, comparng round wth stellate morphology.Observed at do10.1371 journal.pone.0010431.s010 Table S6 ngenuty Pathway Analyss for genes dfferetally expressed betwee2D monolayer and 3D spherod culture Matrgel, and B PA for dfferentally expressed genes PC3 cells, comparng round wth stellate morphology.Observed at do10.1371 journal.pone.0010431.s011 Table S7 Summary of compact molecule nhbtors and drug remedies implemented ths research, drected aganst canoncal pathways dentfed by functonal gene expressoanalyses.Abbrevatons B nvasoblock, AM mpared acnar morphogeness, GR development reducton, GA growth arrest, CD cell death.