Nevertheless, up today, little is known about the role of the amount of gas produced by infants’ colonic microbiota and the correlation with the onset of colic symptoms, even thought intestinal gas is though to be one of the causes of abdominal discomfort. This study was performed to elucidate the interaction between lactobacilli and gas-forming coliforms
in the gut. To this aim, 27 Lactobacillus strains were examined for their potential in-vitro anti-microbial activity against gas-forming coliforms isolated from stools of colicky infants. Methods Study group and sample collection Forty-five breastfed infants suffering from colic symptoms and 42 control breastfed infants (i.e. non colicky) were recruited at the Department of Pediatrics – Regina Margherita Children Hospital, Turin, Italy. They were all aged between 4 and 12 weeks, adequate for gestational selleck age, with a birth weight in the range 2500 and 4000 g, without clinical evidence of chronic illness or gastrointestinal disorders or previous administration of antibiotics and probiotics in the week preceding GSK126 molecular weight recruitment. The characteristics of colicky
and control subjects are shown in Table 1. Only exclusively breastfed infants were enrolled in order to reduce variability in the intestinal microflora and in the colonic gas associated with dietary variations [18, 19]. The colicky cry was defined as a distinctive pain cry difficult to console, lasted for 3 hours or more per day on 3 days or more per week, diagnosed according Wessel criteria [20], with debut 6 ± 1 days before the enrolment. At the enrolment each subject underwent a medical examination and parents were interviewed in order to obtain background data concerning type of delivery, birth weight and gestational age, family history of gastrointestinal disease and atopy. Parents gave written consent to the inclusion of their infants
in the study. About 5-10 g faeces were collected from both colicky and non-colicky infants, stored at – 80°C immediately after collection and subsequently processed. The study was approved by the local Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II ethic committee (Comitato Interaziendale AA.SS.OO. O.I.R.M./S. Anna-Ordine Mauriziano di Torino). Table 1 Clinical characteristics of the study population and count of total coliforms bacteria Colicky infants (n = 45) Controls (n = 42) p-value Gender (M/F) 25/20 24/18 1.000** Age at recruitment (days) 42 (15-95) 39 (17-98) 0.788* Type of delivery (spontaneous/caesarean) 27/18 23/19 0.668** Birth weight (grams) 3300 (2550-3970) 3350 (2520-4010) 0.951* Crying time (minutes per day) 225 (185-310) 105 (60-135) 0.000* Average count of total coliform bacteria (log10 CFU/g of faeces) 5.98 (2.00-8.76) 3.90 (2.50-7.10) 0.015* Data are expressed as median (range) or numbers. *Mann-Whitney Test. **Fisher’s Exact Test Isolation and identification of coliforms Faecal samples, collected from all infants, were homogenized (10%, w/v) with sterile saline (0.9% NaCl).