Most studies to date involved at least some contact to therapists.33 In a recent
study by Tolin and coworkers,34 see more patients performed an exposure and response prevention, either self- or therapist-directed. This study demonstrated that bibliotherapy is an effective method, although direct treatment led to more favorable results. In this study, therapist contact was minimal (first session). To reach patients outside the treatment system, for the present study, participants with OCD were recruited over the Internet for the present Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical study. Assessments were also made online. Half of the patients were allocated to a waitlist group and the other half received the myMCT immediately after participation in the initial assessment. The post assessment was performed
1 month later. We expected myMCT to be superior to the waitlist group, especially for the reduction of obsessions. As exposure and response prevention was not included in the manual at that time (this aspect was incorporated later), a negligible Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical improvement on compulsions Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical was expected. However, in view of poor attention, motivation, and slowness in many patients, we expected that not all patients in the experimental (myMCT) arm would read the manual and perform the exercises. Methods Recruitment The first author posted an invitation for an Internetbased self-help trial aimed at reducing OCD symptoms on three Internet forums for OCD. Two sites were hosted by the German and Swiss Societies for ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder which
provide help to OCD sufferers and disseminate information about OCD to the public. The third Web site was again Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical solely devoted to OCD. This strategy ensured approaching persons with OCD only. If we had posted the announcement in forums with a broader scope, our invitation might have attracted patients with non-OCD diagnoses. Subjects were asked to refrain from participation if they did not experience obsessive thoughts, did not regard their obsessional worries as at least exaggerated (low illness insight), had no time to perform exercises Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in the course of the following four weeks, or did not agree to participate in an anonymous (Internet-based) survey before and after the intervention. Further, it was made mandatory that a diagnosis of OCD had to be determined by a health care professional beforehand. No compensation was offered for study participation except crotamiton for the cost-free delivery of an electronic self-help manual (PDF-converted ebook). A Web link was then provided for those willing to participate. When accessing the Internet questionnaire, participants were welcomed and the study rationale was repeated. It was made clear that participation would not require personal or telephone contact and that it was strictly anonymous. MyMCT was not described beforehand to avoid recruitment biases.