It should be noted that MDA MB 231 cells, which are TNBC with intact RB function, express markedly high levels of Smurf2 mRNA inhibitor Dovitinib and modestly increased levels of the protein with rapid turn over. It has been controversial whether Smurf2 promotes or inhibits migration and invasion of TNBC. Our study suggests that among widely used TNBC cell lines, MDA MB 231 cells are unique with regard to Smurf2 regulation and perhaps its role in tumor progres sion. The exact impact of Smurf2 downregulation on the development of RB deficient TNBC awaits further Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries investigations. Increased susceptibility of Smurf2 null mice to spon taneous tumorigenesis has provided key evidence for the tumor suppressive actions of Smurf2.
Lymphomas and hepatocellular Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries carcinomas are tumor types most commonly observed in two independent strains of Smurf2 null mice, while a few percent Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of Smurf2 null mice develop mammary carcinomas. Smurf2 null mouse embryonic fibroblasts exhibit impaired senescence responses, and undergo spontaneous trans formation more frequently in culture. Genomic instabil ity has been observed in Smurf2 null MEFs, together with chromatin compaction associated with increased ubiquitination of histone H2B. These changes seem to be linked with stabilization of the histone ubiquitin lig ase RNF20, as Smurf2 usually promotes degradation of RNF20. Smurf2 deficiency may also result in im paired mitotic regulation and subsequent genomic in stability, as demonstrated in several human cancer cell lines with siRNA mediated silencing of Smurf2.
Taken together, downregulation of Smurf2 in TNBCs with RB Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries mutations Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries could contribute to the malignant phenotypes at multiple levels. Our ongoing study for un defined tumor suppressive targets of Smurf2 is expected to provide not only novel insight into the biology of TNBC but also candidates for therapeutic targets against this aggressive cancer. Conclusions The present study shows that the HECT family ubiquitin ligase Smurf2 is downregulated at the posttranscriptional level in many TNBC cells. miRNAs such as miR 15 16 and miR 128, whose upregulation is linked to the inacti vation of RB, play important roles in the downregulation of Smurf2. The involvement of Smurf2 in cancer devel opment has been controversial. The new link from RB inactivation to Smurf2 downregulation provides novel insight into the biology of TNBC and potential thera peutic strategies.
Background Ovarian cancer accounts for 5% of cancer deaths among women in the United States and has the highest mortal inhibitor Imatinib Mesylate ity rate of all gynecologic cancers. The majority of women diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer have a low overall survival. Drug resistance is the key reason for ovarian cancer recurrence and poor overall survival. Although most ovarian cancer patients initially respond to cytoreductive surgery and adjuvant paclitaxel and platinum based chemotherapy, the major ity will experience disease recurrence.