In the first step, the
first partition (1) is reserved as a test set and the other partitions (2, 3, …k) are used as a training set to build a classifier. Once a classifier is built, it is validated for its predictive performances with a test set (the first partition in this case). k-fold cross validation repeats this steps k times changing a partition serving as a test set one by one. In the end, averaged predictive performance over k validation steps is regarded as the predictive performance of a classification algorithm. For statistical comparison of mean gene expressions or liver weights between a compound-treated group and its corresponding control group for each compound, the unpaired two tailed student’s t-test without equal variance assumption was conducted. Specifically, this statistical test was conducted in the discretization step of CBA and the feature selection step of LDA. When gene expressions were compared between two groups, gene selleckchem expressions were log-transformed with base of 2 prior to the statistical test. Log transformations of gene expression data is known to result in more consistent statistical
inferences and be often considered desirable, due to its large coefficient of variation. [33]. It is well known that the standard p-value method leads to the high rate of false positives when applied in repeated testing. check details This is the case when analyzing gene expression data collected via microarrays, as this usually involves testing from several thousands Branched chain aminotransferase to tens of thousands of hypotheses simultaneously. While a number of adjustment procedures (e.g. controlling the false discovery
rate) are available, they are often too conservative for microarray studies in that they can lead to low sensitivity [34], thus increasing the risk of missing true positives. In this study, no adjustments were applied, taking it into consideration that even if false positive genes with no or little relevance for liver weights were detected by statistical tests, the classification methods would discard many of them from a generated classifier, hence marginalize the impact of such false positives while minimizing the risk of overlooking true important changes. Canonical pathway analysis for the genes included in the CBA-generated classifier was conducted with QIAGEN’s Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software to understand what pathway (and hence function) these genes are mainly involved. The reason why we used IPA, not a publicly available database, is its high quality of information. IPA is based on “expertly curated biological interactions and functional annotations from millions of individually modeled relationships between proteins, genes, complexes, cells, tissues, drugs, and diseases” and “reviewed for accuracy by PhD scientists”. (according to QIAGEN’s website: Canonical pathways are a set of pre-built pathways based on the literature.