Constipation with occasional diarrhea was also commonly experienc

Constipation with occasional diarrhea was also commonly experienced by these women, reported by approximately one-half on a weekly basis and by 86.2% at least once per month. TABLE 4 Proportion of women reporting individual symptoms on a weekly and monthly inhibitor DZNeP basis For each symptom, the majority of women rated its usual severity as ��moderate�� (Figure 2). The percentage of sufferers rating each symptom as ��severe�� ranged from 13.7% in the case of bloating, to 28.0% and 31.2% with reference to constipation with occasional diarrhea and abdominal pain, respectively. Overall, 10.4% of respondents rated all their symptoms as ��mild�� and 34.8% of women had one or more ��severe�� symptoms. Figure 2) Usual severity of symptoms. The percentage of women experiencing each of the symptoms does not total 100%.

A small percentage of women were either unable to rate the severity of their symptoms or did not experience an individual symptom. The inclusion … Over 60% of women experienced constipation for more than 10 years, compared with one-half or fewer who experienced bloating, abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain or constipation with occasional diarrhea for more than 10 years (Table 5). However, these differences were not statistically significant. TABLE 5 Duration of specific symptoms On average, 35.4% of women experiencing chronic lower GI symptoms reported that their symptoms were triggered or exacerbated by food and 15.7% reported their lifestyle as the main trigger (patients could cite more than one trigger). However, 53.4% stated that ��anything in particular�� could trigger their symptoms.

Impact of dysmotility and sensory symptoms As many as 63.7% of women experiencing abdominal pain stated that they were ��bothered quite a bit�� or ��extremely bothered�� by this symptom. The corresponding values for those experiencing abdominal discomfort, bloating, constipation or constipation with occasional diarrhea were 53.5%, 46.7%, 47.5% and 57.7%, respectively. Over the past three months, work and social activities of many participants were disrupted by their symptoms. Of the women questioned, 28.8% stated that they were less productive at work or at school (an average of 8.9 occasions). In addition, 13.2% of respondents had missed work or school (an average of five occasions) and 24.7% had missed or were late for a social engagement (an average of 3.

3 occasions). Similarly, 15.3% of women had missed or were late for Carfilzomib an appointment (an average of 3.4 occasions), 9.6% were late for work or school (an average of 5.5 occasions) and 14.7% had left work or school early (an average of four occasions) because of their lower GI symptoms. Almost all participants (97.8%) had made lifestyle changes to cope with their symptoms, such as trying to get ��enough�� sleep (80.1%), wearing looser clothing (72.1%), avoiding certain foods (71.2%), increasing the amount of exercise (66.3%) and fibre intake (65.1%), and avoiding caffeine (30.9%).

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