Briefly, purified exosomes were gently permeabilized with 0 05% s

Briefly, purified exosomes were gently permeabilized with 0.05% saponin for 10 min, and after primary antibody incubation, a nanogold-conjugated secondary antibody was used,

followed by silver intensification. We detected either the GFP tag at the C terminus of Evi inside exosomes derived from Evi-GFP S2 cells (Figure 4A) or the HA tag in exosomes derived from Syt4-HA S2 cells (Figure 4B; see Figure S4 for control), consistent with the model that Syt4 is present in exosomes. The gold label was observed either inside or at the outer edge of exosomes, which is commensurate with the size of the primary/secondary antibody complex (20–30 nm). Specific transfer of Evi-exosomes from cell to cell has been demonstrated between nonneuronal S2 cells (Koles et al., 2012; Korkut

et al., 2009). To determine whether similar transfer of Syt4 could be observed, we separately transfected S2 cells with either Syt4-V5 or mCherry. Then, Syt4-V5 beta-catenin signaling and mCherry S2 cells were coincubated in the same culture dish. We observed that Syt4-V5 puncta were transferred to mCherry S2 cells (Figures 4C and 4D), consistent with our observations at the NMJ. To determine whether some of the Evi and Syt4 could be sorted to the same exosome, S2 cells were cotransfected with tagged Evi and Syt4. Transfer of tagged Evi and Syt4 puncta into untransfected cells was observed (Figure 4E). However, most puncta contained either ABT-888 cell line Syt4 alone (63.4% ± 7.4% of transferred puncta) or Evi alone (23% ± 6.3% of transferred puncta), and only in 13.2% ± 1.9% of the transferred puncta were Evi and Syt4 found together (n = 5 independent experiments, 2 experiments with Evi-V5 and Syt4-Dendra cotransfection and 3 with Evi-GFP and Syt4-Myc cotransfection; cotransfection efficiency = 69.4% ± 8.1%). Thus, although Evi and Syt4 can be packaged together, most of the time they exist in independent below puncta. This is also consistent with the observation that the interaction between Evi and Syt4 is relatively weak or represents just a small portion of the entire Evi and Syt4 protein pool.

We also determined whether other cultured cell types were able to take up Syt4 exosomes. In particular, cultured myotubes derived from gastrula embryos (Bai et al., 2009) and a third-instar neuronal cell line, CNS ML-DmBG1-c1 (Ui et al., 1994), were able to take up Syt4-containing exosomes purified from Syt4-HA S2 cells (Figures 4F and 4G). Together with the observation that Syt4 is transferred from presynaptic compartments to postsynaptic muscle cells in vivo and that purified Syt4-containing exosomes are taken up by S2 cells as well as cultured primary muscle cells and neurons, these results strongly suggest that Syt4-containing exosomes are transferred transcellularly. Nevertheless, the presence of other nonexosomal mechanisms of transcellular Syt4 transport, such as cytonemes (Roy et al., 2011), cannot be ruled out.

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