According to this method, in this paper, SICA method

According to this method, in this paper, SICA method purchase INK 128 has been employed which we will explain in continue.

As cited in the previous section, by applying ICA, two combination matrixes A = [a1,a2,···,am] and S(t) = [S1(t),S2(t),···,Sm(t)]T source signal are achieved. The ith level of DNA microarray expression gene, is reconstructed by ith IC of ICi (i = 1,···,p); in other words, according to relation (1) we have: Indeed, if gene expression level for ith gene of main microarray is Xi∞, then error average square of reconstructed samples will be: After calculating error average square amounts, we sort them into reconstructed samples, and select p′IC components with lower error. Presuming selected ICi,ai = ai and Si = Si, otherwise ai = 0 and Si = 0. With this method, a new combination matrix Aı and also a new source signal matrix Sı is crated, and sample set Xnew can be expressed as Xnew = Aı * Sı based on ICs. MODIFIED SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE ALGORITHM Support vector machine is a common method for classification work, estimation and regression. Its main concept is using separator hyper-plane to maximize the distance between two classes in order to design considered classifier. In a binary-SVM, training

data is made of n sorted pair (x1, y1),···,(xn, yn), as: yi -1,1 i,···,n      (5) Thus, standard formula of SVM is as below: And we have: which in it ω Rm is a vector of training samples weights. Also, C is a constant parameter with a real amount and finally ζ is a slack variable. If ϕ(xi) = xi, relation (7) will show a linear hyper-plane with maximum distance. Also, relation (7) is a nonlinear SVM if ϕ can map xi to a space with different number of dimensions of xi space. The common method is to use relation (9): And we have: yT α = 0,0 ≤ αi ≤ C,i = 1,···,n      (9) Where e is a vector of 1s, c is an upper bound, αi is a multiplier variable of Lagrange kind,

which its effect amount depends on C. Also, Q is a positively defined matrix, as Qij K(xi,xj) ≡ yiyjK(xi,xj) is a kernel function. It can be proved that, if α is selected for relation (9) efficiently, will be efficient too. Training data is mapped to a Carfilzomib space with different dimensions by ϕ function. In this case, the decision function is as below: For a test vector like x, if: Linear SVM classifies x in part 1. Also, when the problem is solved with relation,[9] vectors that for them αi > 0 are set as support vectors. When we want to apply SVM to c classes instead of two classes, for each pair classes from the set of c classes, relation (9) becomes as below: After solving optimizer phrase at relation (12), c(c-1)/2 decision functions are gained.

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