521) = 18585, P < 0001, Games-Howell post-hoc test, P = 0001 a

521) = 18.585, P < 0.001, Games-Howell post-hoc test, P = 0.001 and P = 0.022, respectively). Strong oxidants released by H. grandifolius

immediately upon wounding were below detection limits, but the addition of catalase led to a significant increase in the oxidation of DCFH after wounding (Welch’s one-way ANOVA, test statistic (3, 16.571) = 4.705, P = 0.015, Games-Howell post-hoc test, P = 0.244 and P = 0.008, respectively). Oxidant production upon wounding in the four responsive species ranged from ~3 to 15 nmol oxidants · g−1 FW. The species that released learn more oxidants immediately after wounding were not necessarily the same as those that showed cellular localization of strong oxidants 70 min after wounding (Table 1). Palmaria decipiens, T. antarcticus, and A. mirabilis all appear to release strong oxidants

into the seawater over the course of 65 min after wounding by punching with a sterile pipette tip (Fig. 3). Peak oxidant release in all three species occurred within the first 15 min after wounding. H2O2 does not appear to be a substantial component of oxidant release over the longer term for any of these species. The addition of catalase to the medium of wounded T. antarcticus may have caused an increase in the oxidation of DCFH after wounding similar to that seen in H. grandifolius immediately after wounding. Protein nitration could not be detected in any of the four species examined GS-1101 order after wounding (P. decipiens, T. antarcticus,

A. mirabilis, and D. anceps; data not shown). Protein nitration was detected in our positive controls, indicating that the antibody was capable of hybridizing with nitrated BSA selleck chemicals llc as well as with algal nitrotyrosine residues produced by nitrating S. latissima with exogenous ONOO−. An oxidative response to wounding was common in Antarctic macroalgae. Four of five species studied released a burst of strong oxidants within 1 min of wounding and nine of 13 showed cellular oxidant production within 70 min of wounding. About half of the species studied also showed localization of strong oxidants in sham-wounded tissue. Constitutive production of strong oxidants, usually H2O2, has been documented in other algal species, including in four orders of temperate brown algae (36 of 48 species; Küpper et al. 2002). Neither the source nor the ecological function of these oxidants was experimentally addressed. The ROS may be produced by a receptor-mediated enzymatic process in response to pathogen or damage recognition (Torres et al. 2005) or the ROS may be released as a byproduct of disrupted electron transport or some other physiological trauma from wounding. Regardless of their source, ROS are generally assumed to serve as a microbial defense.

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