3) The putative disruptants were further characterized by PCR an

3). The putative disruptants were further characterized by PCR and Southern blot analyses, which confirmed the homologous recombination events. As shown in Fig. 2b, a primer pair (primers 1/2) designed to amplify a fragment internal to the Mga1 coding region yielded no products when DNA

from the homologous recombinants was used as a template, whereas a fragment of the hph gene could be amplified from the same sample (primers 3/4). Meanwhile, amplicons of wild type (2.9 kb) selleck and deletion (3.7 kb) alleles of Mga1 differed in size when primers contained in homologous arms (primers 5/6) were used. For T-DNA random-insertion mutagenesis, amplicons both in wild-type strains and in disruptants were amplified. A probe corresponding to the Mga1 coding region and the 3′ homologous arm (probe 1) yielded

a single hybridizing band in a Southern blot of XbaI-digested genomic DNA of Mga1 deletion mutants, compared with two bands in the wild-type strain and three bands in the T-DNA random-insertion mutant (Fig. 2c). A single Selleckchem PI3K Inhibitor Library hybridizing band detected with the hph marker cassette (probe 2) in the mutants, but none in the wild type, revealed that the deletion mutants carried a single integrated copy of the Mga1 disruption construct (Fig. 2c). As shown in Fig. 4, the Mga1 target deletion mutant GKmga1 produced significantly more citrinin and pigments than the wild-type strain M7 in YES media. After 14 days of cultivation, the wild-type strain M7 produced 53.19±14.58 μg mL−1 citrinin and 9.21±0.05 U mL−1 pigments (OD485 nm), whereas the GKmga1 produced 540.90±121.62 μg mL−1 citrinin (approximately ninefold higher) and 15.78±0.33 U mL−1 pigments (OD485 nm) (approximately 71% higher). Intensive Adenosine triphosphate investigation of

heterotrimeric G-protein signalling pathways in model filamentous fungi and pathogenic fungi revealed that, despite considerable sequence similarity among Group I Gα-subunits, their functions, in some cases, show distinct variations between species. In general, deletion of Group I Gα-subunits in different fungi results in similar defects in vegetative growth as well as sexual and asexual sporulation (Gao & Nuss, 1996; Ivey et al., 1996; Yu et al., 2008; Mehrabi et al., 2009), which were also observed in this study. However, the influences of the same mutation of the genes on secondary metabolites vary substantially within and across fungal genera. For instance, a dominant activating fadA allele inhibited sterigmatocystin and aflatoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus spp., but stimulated T-2 toxin biosynthesis in Fusarium sporotrichioides (Hicks et al., 1997; Tag et al., 2000). Furthermore, in A.

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