, 2000). Each rat was placed in a clear Plexiglas cylinder (of dimensions described by Schallert CDK inhibitor et al., 2000) surrounded by mirrored panels to allow for evaluation of all movements, and videotaped for 5 min or until the completion of 20 taps against the cylinder with the forepaws. The videotapes were evaluated for weight-bearing forelimb movements noting
the use and disuse of each forelimb by an observer blinded to treatment group. Rats were evaluated 1 day every 2 weeks. The total number of right and left forelimb movements was totaled, and a percent of use of the forelimb contralateral to the graft was obtained. Analyses were run during the rat’s dark cycle to enhance spontaneous exploratory behaviors. Data are expressed as (the number of right forelimb movements/total number of forelimb movements) × 100. Abnormal involuntary movements or posturing associated with levodopa or graft treatment are referred to in this text as dyskinesias. Dyskinesias observed in levodopa-treated parkinsonian rats included dystonia and 3Methyladenine hyperkinesias as described previously (Steece-Collier et al., 2003; Maries et al., 2006; Soderstrom et al., 2008). Dystonias were characterized by abnormal muscle
tone, which was noted as excessive stiffness and rigidity, and/or abnormal posturing of the neck, trunk, right forepaw and/or right 5-FU nmr hindpaw. Hyperkinesias consisted of vacuous chewing and/or tongue protrusion (orolingual), repetitive rhythmic bobbing of the head and neck (headbob), and stereotypical and/or chorea-like movements of the right forepaw (right forepaw dyskinesia). Dyskinesias were scored by an observer blinded to treatment group for 1 day every 2 weeks. Each rat was observed for 2 min precisely 30 min following levodopa delivery (a time that corresponds to peak dose dyskinesia). A cumulative score for total dyskinesia was obtained through the summation of the frequency (0–3; with 0 = no expression, 1 = expression < 50% of the time, 2 = expression more than 50% of the time and 3 = constant expression)
and the intensity (0–3; with 0 = no expression, 1 = mild expression, 2 = moderate expression, 3 = severe expression) of the individual scores. Additionally rats were rated for novel dyskinesias that emerged with graft maturation. These included two behaviors involving orolingual and contralateral forelimb behaviors. The first was a compulsive tapping or pushing of cage litter with the forelimb contralateral to the graft (tapping dyskinesia; TPD), and a second ‘goal-directed’, stereotypical retrieving of litter with the forepaw contralateral to the graft and/or chewing of the litter (facial forelimb dyskinesia). Details of these graft-related aberrant behaviors are described elsewhere (Maries et al., 2006; Soderstrom et al., 2008).