1) 0 Plante 2003 H&E +SS+IHC NVP-LDE225 order 70 IA-IIA 8 (13.1) 3 (37.5) Dargent 2003 H&E +SS+IHC 70 IA1-IIB 19
(30.2) 9 (47.4) Hubalewska 2003 H&E +SS+IHC 37 I-IIA 5 (13.5) na Pijpers 2004 H&E +SS+IHC 34 early 12 (36.3) 4 (33) Silva 2005 H&E +SS+IHC 56 IA2-IIA 17 (32.7) 3 (17.6) Rob 2005 H&E +SS+IHC 183 IA2-IB2 35 (21.9) na Angioli 2005 H&E +SS+IHC 37 IB1 6 (23) 0 Di Stefano 2005 H&E +SS+IHC 50 IA2-IIA 9 (20) 2 (22.2) Frumovitz 2006 H&E +SS+IHC 50 IA2-IB1 9 (18.8) na Wang 2006 H&E +SS+IHC+CK19PCR 46 early 18 (39) 7 (38.9) Yuan 2007 H&E +SS+IHC 81 IB1-IIA 17(20.9) 4 (23.5) Coutant 2007 H&E +SS+IHC+HPV DNA 59 IA-II 15 (25.4) 3 (20) Lee 2007 H&E +HPV DNA 57 IB-IIA 11 (19.3) na Hauspy 2007 H&E +SS+IHC 39 IA1-IIA 2 (5.2) na Bats 2007 H&E +SS+IHC 25 IA2-IA1 3 (12) 1 (33) Total 908 187 (20.6) 36 (19.2) SLN: sentinel lymph node; H&E: hematein eosin staining; IHC: immunohistochemy; SS: serial sectioning; HPV: human papilloma virus; na: not available Four studies have performed a histological analysis of lymph nodes using H&E and IHC [32–35]. In the series of Kraft et al including 54 patients, overall rate of macrometastases was 42% but there was no mention
of the rate of micrometastases [35]. In the three remaining studies including 65 patients, the rate of macrometastases varied from 10% to 18.2% but none of the studies reported detecting micrometastases. Although the total number of patients included in these series was low, it is possible to suggest that H&E and IHC are insufficient CCI-779 to detect
micrometastases. Thirteen studies have used the combination of H&E, serial sectioning and IHC [10, 19, 28, 36–44]. In four of the thirteen studies no attempt to evaluate the presence of micrometastases was noted. In the remaining nine studies involving 356 patients the rate of macrometastases varied between 7.1% C1GALT1 and 36.3% with a mean value of 25.8% (92/356). Among patients with lymph node metastases, the percentage of women with micrometastases ranged from 0% and 47.4% with a mean value of 28.3%. Therefore, at least one quarter of patients with lymph node metastases exhibited micrometastases. Few data are available on the contribution of molecular biology to detect micrometastases. In Wang et al’s series, the combination of H&E, serial sectioning, IHC and CK-19 expression by RT-PCR detected macrometastases in 18 out of 46 patients (39%) with lymph node metastases and micrometastases in 7 out of the 18 patients (38.9%) with macrosmetastases [45]. For Coutant et al, HPV DNA analysis in conjuction with H&E, serial sectioning and IHC detected macrometastases in 15 out of 59 patients including three with micrometastases (20%) [29].