Various #

Various Evofosfamide concentration approaches have been utilized to overcome this inactivation (see “Genetic engineering to overcome limitations to hydrogen production”

section below). The most successful one is based on the selective inactivation of PSII O2 evolution activity by sulfur deprivation (Melis et al. 2000). The sulfur-deprived system is usually operated in two stages. In the first stage, sulfur-deprived and illuminated cultures gradually inactivate PSII (the absence of sulfur prevents repair of photodamaged PSII) and simultaneously overaccumulate starch. When the rate of O2 photoproduced by PSII matches the rate of O2 consumption by OSI-906 manufacturer respiration, the cultures become anaerobic. During the second stage, the residual PSII activity and concomitant starch degradation supply reductant to the photosynthetic chain through the operation AMN-107 solubility dmso of the direct and indirect electron transport pathways (Posewitz et al. 2005) and enable H2 photoproduction to occur. This

approach, although convenient for laboratory studies, is, however, not scalable for commercial purposes due to its low inherent conversion efficiency (James et al. 2008). Other approaches to circumventing the O2-sensitivity problem require either engineering an O2-tolerant algal [FeFe]-hydrogenase (Chang et al. 2007) or expressing a hydrogenase that is more tolerant to O2 in Chlamydomonas. Molecular dynamics simulations, solvent accessibility maps, and potential mean energy estimates have been used to identify gas diffusion pathways in model enzymes (Chang et al. 2007), followed by

site-directed mutagenesis (Long et al. 2009). However, this approach has not been successful due to the unexpected observation that the amino acid residues responsible for binding of the catalytic cluster are also involved in the formation of the gas channels (Mulder et al. 2010). Thus, mutants affecting these residues are unable to properly fold the protein. This observation explains the lower activity and higher O2 sensitivity of mutants that were generated based on the information provided by the computational models (Liebgott et al. 2010). Non-dissipated proton gradient and state transitions The anaerobic treatment used to induce H2 production in check details both sulfur-replete and -depleted cultures triggers starch degradation, causing reduction of the PQ pool through the NPQR enzyme. These conditions poise the cultures in state 2 and, upon illumination, trigger the CEF mode—which contributes to an increase in the proton gradient that normally drives ATP synthesis through the ATP synthase enzyme. In state 2, a fraction of the light-harvesting antenna of PSII gets connected to PSI, increasing its light-absorption cross section at the expenses of that of PSII and supposedly increasing CEF over LEF. However, since H2 photoproduction does not consume ATP, the proton gradient will remain undissipated when the anaerobically induced cells are illuminated.

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