over the last two or three years it’s been coming in but now a

..over the last two or three years it’s been coming in but now a little bit more formally and a little bit more structured I suppose (Community Staff Nurse). Some perceived that ACP was associated with a very particular set of paperwork and forms, generated by national legislation and policy development, which seemed to imply formalization of everyday practice among individual practitioners. Some recalled being confused about the differences between day-to-day ‘care planning’, which they regarded Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as a key aspect of their role, and the more unfamiliar ACP: I think one of the problems-sort of being on the outside looking in – is that a lot of DNs think, oh not another project, not more paperwork, and it’s

been in a way perhaps not greeted with huge enthusiasm, although as people have said here before, it’s something that a lot of district nurses and healthcare professions say; we’ve been doing this for, we’ve done

this but Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical we haven’t actually formalized it, and that’s very much how I see the ACP (Hospice Nurse). I think, when I first heard about it, it was probably about two/three years ago, I can remember someone talking about it and really thinking what’s different about that? And not quite working out exactly what it was; how it differed from ordinary care planning, in other words. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical And I don’t think it was until I got involved, I changed job, and … got involved with the Cytoskeletal Signaling inhibitor End-of-life Care Programme, and then obviously it made much more sense. (End-of-Life Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Care Programme Facilitator). One Community Matron with management and support responsibilities for other staff recalled her gradual realization, after considerable anxiety, that ACP involved documentation and communication of familiar everyday practice. I was like ‘oh my God what do I need to do, what do I need Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to do’, but we don’t need to do anything [different] just document the conversations…

we just need to communicate them to other people (Community Matron). The contribution of ACP to nursing practice in end-of-life care Many of the nurses communicated their perceptions of the meaning and potential value of ACP by recalling personal experiences in their family. These personal reflections prompted nurses to identify how, in spite of changes in rhetoric, care at the end of life in their experience Electron transport chain tends to be surrounded by a ‘curative’ culture which forecloses on the possibility of preparation for death and poses a barrier to planning supportive services for dying patients and their families. They perceived the role of the nurse in ACP as an opportunity to shift this emphasis, with ACP seen as an opportunity to celebrate excellent clinical practice: At its best, it opens up a dialogue which creates a relationship, hopefully a therapeutic relationship, between the clinical person and the patient, and also involving the family if the patient or resident wants the family involved… (End-of-Life Care Programme Facilitator).

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