There was 1 postoperative death and 1 patient with no recurrences

There was 1 postoperative death and 1 patient with no recurrences at 42 months. In the PM group, there were 20 patients with R1 resections and 11 of these patients recurred: 2 patients recurred with AUY-922 isolated PM, 3 patients developed isolated HM, 1 patient developed isolated pulmonary metastases, 2 patients developed both PM and HM, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 2 patients developed both HM and pulmonary metastases, and there was insufficient data concerning the location of a recurrence in 1 patient. There were 9 patients with no recurrences at 18, 20, 22, 27, 31, 32, 32, 68, and 138 months. Concerning peritoneal recurrences,

there were 36% recurrences in the PM/HM group and 18% in the PM group (P=0.3). Concerning hepatic recurrences, there were 55% recurrences in the PM/HM group and 32% in the PM group (P=0.2). Currently, only 1/10 patients Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with R1 resection remain disease-free in the PM/HM group, while 9/20 patients with R1 resection remain disease free in the PM group (P=0.05). Overall survival and prognostic factors The median follow-up time was 57 months for the PM/HM group and 45 months for the PM group. The PM/HM group had a median overall survival (OS) of 15 months (95% CI: 6-46 months) and the PM group had a median OS of 34 months (95% CI: 19-37 months) as seen in Figure 1 (P=0.2). The disease free survival (DFS) was 10 months (95% CI: 3-14 months)

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for the PM/HM group and 24 months (95% CI: 10-32 months) for the PM group (P=0.1). The three-year

OS was 30% in the PM/HM group and 47% in the PM group and the three-year DFS was 20% and 42%, respectively. Figure 1 Overall survival of colorectal peritoneal and hepatic metastases (PM/HM) vs. peritoneal metastases Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (PM) alone, P=0.2 There was only 1 univariate prognostic factor which was significant and it was the R1 resection variable. It did not maintain an independent prognostic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical value which is probably due to the fact that only 3 patients in the entire study were R2 resections and the rest R1. HM was not a negative prognostic factor in the prognosis analysis (Table 3). Table 3 Univariate and multivariable Cox proportional hazards analysis for overall survival (n=33) Morbidity and mortality There were 3 patients (27%) with grade III-IV morbidity in the PM/HM group and 6 patients (27%) in the PM group (P=1.0). There was one postoperative mortality in the PM/HM group and none in the PM group. The most common morbidity was postoperative infections Rolziracetam requiring intravenous antibiotics. Only one fistula occurred in the study (PM only group). Discussion This is a matched comparison of colorectal PM/HM treatment vs. PM treatment alone. Considering the tendency towards worse DFS and a significantly increased recurrence rate, the concomitant presence of HM should definitely be considered a negative prognostic factor even when only a solitary HM is present.

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